The Great Celebration Day is Here, this Sunday, 4 17 2022! You are invited to join in Affirmative Prayer, Meditation, Music and connecting with the Inner Meaning of Jesus' victory over the tomb, to enter into the Astral Plane where His Soul rests for a period of time before completely ascending into the Spiritual Realm called The Kingdom of Heaven. Every step of Holy Week was a conscious decision from our Dear Elder Brother. Do not think for a minute that He was a Victim. Every action carried out during Holy Week was carried out for every human being's Benefit. Yes, Jesus was the consummate Teacher, and His consciousness of Eternal Life continues, today in the higher realms that some refer to as: "The Ethers". The Life Principle is Always Victorious over Death! Remember that when you think some dream, some ambition, some love has died in your life. You were created to be the Victorious One ... making one Great Demonstration over another ... "Stir and Repeat; Stir and Repeat; Stir and Repeat. In prayer and deep meditation, call upon Jesus Christ as your Elder Brother and Wise, Loving Way Shower. Jesus completely separates His consciousness from the physical form (the body) and moves into the Higher Vibration where every cell of His Physical Self is transformed. The Easter Hymn: "He is Risen" is absolutely true. Our beautiful, talented Music Director, Ann Louise Christensen will lead us in song and inspiring music. Our other supportive volunteers are Marshall Hall, with the Sound Board; Patti & Rick Halliday and Janet Bailey with the Hospitality right after the service and the loving prayer consciousness of Nancy Buhl who holds all of us in the Light of Prayer, all the time. In the Name and in the Power of Jesus Christ, Let Us All Proclaim Victory in Prayer for ourselves, for others and for all those we hold in Prayer. Special Gratitude to my Prayer Partner, Rev. Michael Schoonover (Minister of The Unity Way Church in Vista, CA). See you this Sunday! Loving Blessings, Rev. Jeri Linn P.S. If you plan on attending the Easter Sunday Service, please bring an Easter Lily with you to help decorate the platform area. Label your plant with your name and take it home with you, after the service. Thank you, dear ones~ Easter promo image created by Malayna Dawn from the following: Cross image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay Flowery grassy image by PublicDomainPictures from Pixabay Colored eggs images by anncapictures from Pixabay
