Please remember to set your clocks ahead this Saturday night before you go to bed. It is the "Spring Forward Time!" I wish California would pick one time and not do the Spring Forward, Fall Back pattern. Oh, well, it is what it is! Our Lesson this Sunday is about Jesus' encounter with a rich, young man, a ruler of the Jews, who met Jesus at night and wanted to know about His teachings on reaching the Kingdom of Heaven. The young man's name is Nicodemus, and you can look up the Scripture reference in: John 3: 1-9. We will share more of Jesus' conversation with Nicodemus about entering into the Kingdom of Heaven this Sunday. Our Sunday Service is supported by: Marshall Hall, Volunteer on the Sound Board, Rick & Patti Halliday and Janet Bailey with Hospitality in Chaffee Hall after the service. Note, we will have an early St. Patrick's Day Party this Sunday. Our Music Director, Ann Louise Christensen (Christensen Music) is doing a marvelous job and we are so pleased that she agreed to be our Music Director! Daily Prayers for the citizens of Ukraine, for their brave and wise President and that continued Peace Talks will dissolve the tension between Russia, the United States and all the Nations in NATO. Let there be Peace on Earth and Let it begin with me! Lovingly, Rev. Jeri Linn Image shared by Storm Wolf Words for Watchers and Hearers
