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The Love of God Enfolds Me


Thank you, God for a bit of sprinkles and cooler rain, today! We are studying the most recent Silent Unity Booklet: "The Prayer for Protection: A Beloved Prayer Brought to Life." This Sunday we will place our mindful attention on "The Love of God Enfolds Me (You or Us)."

A drawing of a heart embraced by arms floating in the clouds

Keep in mind that while we study the various lines of the Prayer for Protection that our Unity World Day of Prayer will be celebrated on September 13-14 2023 at Unity Village Chapel. This year marks the 30th year that Silent Unity has hosted the World Day of Prayer and encouraged Unity Ministries, study groups and prayer circles around the world to join in affirming group prayer. You can go online to, click on the small magnifying glass in the upper right-hand corner to search for details on The World Day of Prayer.

Our wonderful Music Director, Ann Louise Christensen, will play special music for the month of August that enhances our time of meditation and worship. We are blessed with Ann Louise and with the many volunteers who assist with our hospitality and special events.

I remember our dear Denise Kenney, our Prayer Ministry Director, who would often say: "We may be small; but we are mighty!" Our current Prayer Ministry Director is Nancy Buhl, who is a longtime member of Unity Church of the Valley and has a sincere consciousness of the power of prayer. Note: If you call Nancy and request prayer support, please identify yourself as a "Unity person." She will be glad to pray with you; but, as it sometimes happens, there have been numerous scam calls (i.e., telemarketers, etc.) on her phone, so she has been screening her calls. I certainly do not blame her, either!

To Submit a Prayer Request, you can also call the Unity Church of the Valley Office: 818-249-4396 (We have Voice Mail if no one is answering the phone at the time that you call.) The 24/7 phone number for Silent Unity is: 816-969-2000 and a Prayer Associate will answer your call and support you in affirmative prayer. You can also go online to:

In Unity, we believe in the power of Affirmative Prayer. Remember that "With God, All Things Are Possible!"

You are loved and appreciated,

Rev. Jeri Linn

Images by Mohamed Hassan and Pexels from Pixabay



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